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Becoming one in Christ

40 Days of Prayer

Day 18

Cultivate Kindness

Leo Endel, Executive Director, MWBC

"And be kind and compassionate to one another." Ephesians 4:32 (CSB)


Our flight had been cancelled. I waited an hour to get to the counter to book a new flight, listening to frustrated people attack the agents. "There are no seats available until tomorrow." When I got to the counter, I apologized to her for all the abuse she was receiving. In a couple moments, she looked at me, smiles and said,"A seat just opened up for you."


We live in an angry world. We are quick to lash out at even the smallest slight. Someone rushes through the four-way stop in front of us, and we feel the rage. There's a bad call against your child on the basketball court, and we're infuriated. Life lived with smoldering anger robs us of the joy we long for and hurts those we love.


Paul tells us "get rid of all the bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice." These uncontrolled human poisons rot our souls and put us into bondage. Instead, Paul wants us to "be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."


The ways of Jesus are counter-intuitive to our ways. We demand the respect of others and fight for our rights, but Jesus said, "Turn the other cheek." When we walk with Jesus, we respond to people with grace and forgiveness rather than anger, resentment, and judgmentalism.  


PRAYER: Lord, drain away the anger buried in my heart. Fill me with the grace and kindness of Your Spirit. Give me an opportunity today to demonstrate Your Kindness and compassion. 

Cornerstone Community Church

1-(507) 474-7250


1001 44th. Ave.

Goodview, MN 55987

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