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Becoming one in Christ
40 Days of Prayer
Day 39
A Gift for Someone Else
David Williams, Editor, Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
When I was a child, my parents gave me a gift to take a birthday party. It was hard for me to understand that the gift I was carrying was not for me but for someone else.
We tend to think of a spiritual gift as something that belongs to us, given to us by God. This verse tells us it is actually a gift from God to someone else and we are simply the bearer of the gift.
If I have the gift of teaching, it is because someone else needs to be taught. If I have the gift of encouragement, it is because someone else needs to be encouraged.
We are to be "faithful stewards of God's grace" (gift) "using whatever gift [we] have received to server others."
Seeing "my" spiritual gift in that light changes everything. It's time to take my gift to somebody else's party.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, please help me to use whatever gift I have received from you to serve others. Help me to be faithful steward of that gift, whatever it may be. Thank you for providing me a gift to deliver to someone else.
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