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Becoming one in Christ

40 Days of Prayer

Day 1

Prayer for Unity

Leo Endel, Executive Director MWBC

Read John 17:20-26


"May they all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I am in You."

John 17:21 (CSB)


Jesus prayed for his followers to be one as He and the Father are one. Hours from the agony of the cross, He pleaded three times for unity. 


Our churches may be divided more than ever before. We can instantly divide a church by any number of issues: politics, economic policy, immigration, culture, worship style, public assistance, medical insurance, etc. The diversity of our perspectives and the fallenness of our nature lead to anger, greed, judgementalism and prejudice.


Many things may separate us, but only one thing can unite us. Only one person can bring us together beyond our sinful selfishness and heal us. Only Jesus! Only Jesus can free us from our bondage to sin and selfishness. Only Jesus can move us from beyond our narrow perspective to see our brother's perspective. Only Jesus can bring the redemptive mission into focus and break through our sinful separateness. Only Jesus can unite us into His mission and priorities. Only Jesus.


PRAYER: Father, continue to reveal the glory of your unity within the Trinity. Draw us to Jesus so that your priorities become our priorities. Break down our selfishness, our preferences, our prejudices, and our arrogance. Reveal to us how we damage the Body of Christ by seeking our own way. Show us ways to pursue unity in the church. Lord, we pray as Jesus did, "make us one."


Cornerstone Community Church

1-(507) 474-7250


1001 44th. Ave.

Goodview, MN 55987

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