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Becoming one in Christ
40 Days of Prayer
Day 29
The Blessing of our Relationships
Clint Calvery, Church Leadership Catalyst, MWBC
"Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the Lord and admonish you, and to regard them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves." 1 Thessalonians 5:12 (CSB)
Obeying the "one-another passages" includes honoring your pastors and elders.
The work of a church leader is demanding and difficult. Congregations need leadership, pastoral care, instruction in sound doctrine. Sometimes individuals and congregations must be challenged regarding their beliefs or behavior with an uncomfortable confrontation. No church leader relishes this necessary task.
Not only is church leadership difficult, those who meet these needs have needs of their own. Church leaders have physical, financial, spiritual, and emotional needs. Perhaps the sweetest sound to a pastor's ears is being introduced by someone who affectionately says,"This is my pastor."
There is a remarkable return to the church on the honor given to church leaders. Church leaders know they are being honored for their office. This honor motivates church leaders to even greater service because they know the honor is for their office and not for themselves.
PRAYER: Father, thank you for those who labor among us. Help me think of ways to bless those who lead our church. Remind me of the ways you have gifted them to be a blessing to the body. In Jesus Name, amen.
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