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Becoming one in Christ
40 Days of Prayer
Day 30
Be At Peace With One Another
Elie Hasbani, Pastor, Ethnos, Milwaukee WI
"Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other." 1 Thessalonians 5:13 (NIV)
The Hebrew word for "peace" in the Bible is "shalom," and in the Arabic language it is "salam." It is interesting that the primary expression for greeting in both Hebrew and Arabic, the two mainly used Semitic languages, is "Peace be with you." What both Jews and Arabs need and hope for has become a constant wish pronounced repeatedly on their lips.
The hope and desire for every human being is to live in peace with each other.
Peace isn't something we can gain or find through our own ability or strength. It is not to be produced by human effort. Shalom dwells in our hearts when we receive Jesus, the Prince of Peace who takes away our sins, fears, worries, and stress.
We may struggle to feel in harmony with brothers and sisters close to us and with the church community at large. But the closer we draw to Jesus, the more of His peace we can enjoy with each other. Here are some ways you can cultivate peace with others:
Greet and bless others with Jesus' peace (Rom.1:7; 1 Cor. 1:2-3).
Don't compare yourself to others (Gal. 6:4-6).
Accept others just the way they are (Rom. 15:7)
Pray for others who are different than you (Phil. 4:6-7). .
PRAYER: Lord, I am pouring out my worries, anxieties and fears at Your feet. Let your peace fill my soul that it may flow through me to others. Lead me to be a peacemaker in this world.
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