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Becoming one in Christ

40 Days of Prayer

Day 36

Pray for Each Other

Steve Melvin, Church Starting Catalyst, MWBC

Read James 5:13-18.


"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of righteous person is very powerful in its effect." James 5:16 (CSB)


At least nine times in the New Testament we are challenged to pray for each other. James is writing to broad audience, making prayer for others an intentional responsibility. Sincere prayer for one another leads to sensitivity for those being prayed for, and the intercession can give encouragement, support, hope, and comfort.


In this verse, confession and prayer go together: confess to one another and pray for one another. This works toward keeping a clean slate with people and with God. To disclose one's faults and to acknowledge our sins is an important step in making our prayers active and effective, as well as in making us whole (healed).


The prayer of a righteous person (someone in right relationship with God and with people) is very powerful in its effect. Your prayers for each other in a church family will make a difference in attitudes and actions. As you get right with  God and confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, your prayers can be used by God to transform your own life as well as the lives of those you are praying for.


PRAYER: Father, help me to be right with You and with people around me as I confess my sins and pray for others. And help me to be faithful and intentional to pray for others, so that I may be made whole.

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