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Becoming one in Christ

40 Days of Prayer

Day 7

Passing on Grace

Mark Millman, Church Planting Catalyst, SWBA

"Therefore let us not pass judgement on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother." Romans 14:13 (ESV)


In this verse, the Apostle Paul wants to help believers build unity. There are so many issues, problems, and controversies in the church that can divide us. After many years of ministry, I believe one of the great keys to ministry is found in this Scripture. God wants us to tear down walls and build bridges rather than vice versa.


Paul is telling us to put away our preferences that cause other people to fall into trouble. Through the gospel of Jesus Christ we receive grace that we do not deserve. As followers of Christ, we are to pass that grace on to one another, rather than passing judgement on one another. This grace includes not judging people according to our preferences and not attempting to "fit them into our box."


PRAYER: May the Lord give me wisdom on judgement in everyday life with my relationships with others. May the Holy Spirit be my teaher as I make decisions on sharing what is important with fellow believers in Christ. Thank you for the blood that was shed on the cross for me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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